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Rendezvous 6.0

🎇Diwali makes you fall in love with the Lights all around and gives a positive energy altogether🤗

🌟Rotaract Club of Pune Zenith
Hosted one such Diwali get together at Rendezvous 6.0, Event and Diwali celebration by Rotaract Club of Pune Mideast 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻

Such a beautiful Venue, with remarkable ambience, the presence of so many clubs with members of diverse backgrounds!🤩

🏮Not to forget, the beautiful surprise activity of Super beautiful Bracelets which provided a platform for Zenithians to display their skills💃🏻🥳

Lastly, we signed 9 Match club agreements with the Clubs from other Zones from our District🫱🏻‍🫲🏻

The Event was followed by yummy and Tasty fellowship😋

🏮We would like to thank RC Pune Mideast for having us as host Clubs along with them for Diwali get-together!💥

Team Zenith!

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