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Linked In Workshop

📂 What are the most important tools for a job seeker or an entrepreneur? You probably said your resume and your network. But what about the platform that combines them?

📂 Yes, we are talking about your Linked-In profile. We RAC Pune Zenith 🌟organized a workshop on how to make your Linked In profile stand-out.

📂Our guest speaker being, Rtr. Vivek Khandale (A Linked-In specialist/coach by profession)

📂Our trainer guided us with the basics of how a professional Linked-In profile is suppose to look like. He also enlightened us with various usage such as, how to market your product or how to get a job from this platform.

📂Additionally, he also gave us some tips and tricks for efficient usage of Linked-In platform.

📂 It was indeed an insightful session. We thank Rtr. Vivek Khandale for sharing his valuable Linked IN knowledge with us.

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