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DRR Visit

We are all crewmates on the same ship. On 24th April, 2021, RAC Pune Zenith called for an "Emergency Meeting" and reported its DRR visit by connecting on Zoom call. RCPZ is thrilled to announce the SUCCESSFUL completion of its DRR visit in presence of our Council Crewmates; Rtr. Shraddha Lamkhede-DRR | RID 3131, Rtr. Akash Chikate-Dist. General Secretary, Rtr. Niharika Chaturvedi- AZR | Zone 5, Rtr. Vikrant Ahire- DZR | Zone 3, Rtr. Nishant Yadav-DSAA.

We were glad to receive positive feedbacks from all the panel members, and we assure to implement the given suggestions promptly. Later, all the crewmates strived to track down the President-Elect "AMONG US". We were glad to announce Rtr. Adhishree Thakar as the LEADer of Zenithsquad for RIY 2021-22. We thank all the Council Members for being patient with us and guiding us throughout.

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