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Awards Night and 3rd Installation Cermony

🌟We, Rotaract Club of Pune Zenith successfully conducted

         🏆 The Awards Night of🏆                         

             IPP Rtr. Manas Yeole 


✨The 3rd Installation Ceremony of✨                        

             Rtr. Adhishree Thakar           

                   as President🎖️       


          ✨Rtr. Shreedhar Shinde✨

                 as Secretary🎖️          

Along with their dynamic Board of Directors for ROY 2021-22🌟           


🌟 The Senate Business Center, Pune was the venue for our 😎जगात भारी पुणेरी Installation 2021-22

🌟Gracing the occasion, we had 

🎖️Ms. Vandana Saxena 

as our Chief Guest and the Guest of honor as

🎖DRR RTR. Parth Jaokar 

🎖️Dr. Nitin Deshpande 

🌟 We got the ball rolling with The Awards Night which was hosted by our dynamic IPP Rtr. Manas Yeole. The Club members and Directors who took the leadership of the 2020-21, pandemic year, and were always looking after the club were awarded by our Chief guests, our IPP and Charter President Rtr. Aishwarya Khade.

🌟The Awards Night was followed by the Installation of our ever cheerful, The Flocks Favourite, Rtr. Adhishree Thakar as the President. The ceremony took an incredible turn by the address of our dignitaries and the theme of the evening which was जगात भारी पुणेरी. The club members came up with some amazing पुणेरी पाट्या-


🌟Further, The Board of Directors were installed by our super active President with their respective appointment letters and BOD pins🎖

🌟 With nunber of attendees being 102, we thank all the Rotarians, Council members, club Presidents and Rotaractors for gracing the occasion with your presence.🙌🏻

🌟 To add cherry on the cake we had the best पुणेरी style मिसळ for our guests. 

💥 पोट आणि Ego मोठे असेल तरीही कृपया आजच्या जेवणाचा आस्वाद घ्यावा. आम्ही पैसे भरले आहेत. जेवण वाया गेलं तर पैसे मागण्यात येतील.😎

Cheers to us🥂

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